Where: Attic of Glebe Youth Service (GYS)
What: Annex of Sydney Secondary College (SSC)
Who: Up to fourteen 14-16 year olds. Most students are Aboriginal and live of the Glebe-estate. Prior to enrolling most did not attend school or training.
Staff: 1.5 teachers and 1 teacher’s aide funded by NSW DET; one outreach worker funded by Save the Children.
Governance: Glebe Pathways Forum – a broad-based collaboration of partners including, Glebe Youth Service, Sydney Secondary College, University of Sydney, Save the Children and the City of Sydney.
Day-to day administration: Sydney Secondary College (College Principal) and GYS (Coordinator)
Organisational processes: Weekly curriculum design team meeting and weekly case-management meeting involving the youth workers and teachers.
Funding: Three year grant from NSW DET, and an outreach worker funded by Save the Children.
Structure: Weekdays from10am to 1pm
Classroom setting: Attic space with a large central table and a number of smaller tables around the edges. Some of these smaller tables are teachers’ tables and others are dedicated to specific projects and Internet access. The room is equipped with a data projector and students have access to iPads.
Daily Schedule: The day begins with a teachers’ planning meeting and a breakfast program is conducted by the GYS. and this also involves some physical activities and intellectual challenges. Advisory takes place informally over a cup of hot chocolate. In the classroom students are engaged in three types of activities: independent interests, interest projects, and internships.